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I Want Purpose...

​Goods and services will be used for non profit projects  helping  children and youth.


Work from your own office. Your time, talent, left-over and surplus inventory makes things remain cost-effective. 


Allow us to turn your things around for cash, or to assist a caseworker with a project.


  • Internships for on-line research

  • Office Assistance

  • Social Media and Blog expert

  • Office supplies

  • Copying or printing

  • Autos


We cannot accept everything, but we will attempt to match up needs best we can.

I Want a Mentor...


With millions of kids boldly taking risks with their lives on the streets everyday, knowing who can help to break the pattern is a primary need.


Is it  rescue and a safe haven, and education or job training, I need?


At the end of the day, the sensible rule is to help me in some small way.


GIVE your time, talent, or treasure.

I Want You to Care...

My needs are simple and it doesn't take much to make me happy.  Maybe it's just your smile.  Perhaps it's a tight hug. Rarely is it stuff I need as much as it is your attention.  Your compassion can help me break away.


Look out for me. Did you hear my scream? Or the thud against a wall? Did you see me prancing up and down the street last night while crying on the inside? Was I sobbing on the front steps?  Did you notice?


Maybe I can't tell you.  Perhaps I won't tell you anything when you ask me. But don't give up on me...Try hard. Do something to tell me you will listen and won't just walk away if I get brave enough to talk....Please do 'something' for me.  I'm going to need you to speak up because I cannot.  I won't.


If nothing else, CALL 911 or child protective services, or 1-800-LOOKOUT (566-5688) and let them decide if I am OK or not. YOU don't have to say your name. You don't have to give your phone number...You don't even need to be certain if I am abused, exploited, or a missing child...Just care enough to report what you see, hear, or know about.  I am somebody, and I have been robbed of my self-worth.


I'm just a kid...You care about other people. Care about me too, because one day it may be too late. 



I Want to Learn...

I tried to learn everything I could, and I tried to be brave aginst the abuse I endured.  A way to learn more than I dreamed possible, a loving lesson in life came when my rescuer set me free from where I was trapped-I wasn't there by choice. I know you'll share in the joy of sending me to safety. I can improve myself and my surroundings...Now that I AM FREE from my captors.

I Want a Childhood...

Needless to say, my childhood isn't a happy one. This is not the kind of childhood my mother imagined for me.  My innocense was ripped away.


I learned that childhood isn't always easy....Then your gift showed me the sweetest lesson...I can experience all that childhood has to offer...That people care.


I matter and God has a better purpose for my life than the one I was forced to lead. There is hope. GIVE when you can...


Because Childhood Isn't Always Easy...

I Want a Home....

​Intense noonday heat dried my skin, the wind whipped through the cracks in the walls, the water is up to my ankles, but I have work to do--I am in the sex trade industry, and I didn't get here by choice...It's the worst kind of place.


Your donation can send me back to safety.

I can be brought back to health, hugged and made to feel normal again.


I am one of many not hoping for fancy frills, just a home, a place with a mother's love-a place I call my home and lay my head at night.  A place without a Pimp ruining my life. This project let's others help me.  GIVE because kids like me hurt.

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